Request for Accommodations Process

Accessibility Services is currently experiencing a high volume of accommodation requests, as well as preparing for final exam season for multiple campuses. You may experience a delay in response to inquiries at this time. If you are requesting accommodations for Fall 2024, we will reach out as soon as possible regarding next steps, as we will need to prioritize requests for current students registered for Spring 2024.

Step 1: Complete the聽听蹿辞谤尘.

  1. For psychological disabilities, in addition to the Accommodations Request form, please have your qualified mental health professional complete the聽
  2. For Emotional Support Animal accommodations, please have your qualified mental health professional complete the聽. Please ensure the Emotional Support Animal fits all criteria stated on the Accessibility Services Handbook.

Step 2: The student will be notified via their student email聽within 5-7 business days聽if the request and documentation provided is complete, or if additional information is needed.

Step 3: Once the Accommodations Review Committee has made specific recommendations regarding a student鈥檚 request for accommodation, the student will be notified聽within 5-7 business days. In turnaround time, the student will be notified between 7-10 business days about their application status. If the student is approved for a Letter of Accommodation, it will be emailed to them directly. It is the responsibility of the student to then email the Letter of Accommodation directly to their faculty members at the beginning of each semester. If the student is not approved for their requested accommodations, they will receive an email from the Accessibility Services department notifying them of the denial.

Additional Information

Accessibility Services encourages the timely request of accommodations prior to the beginning of the semester to ensure all requests are reviewed. Accommodation requests can be made and will be accepted and considered at any time. Accommodations go into effect immediately after they are approved by Accessibility Services. Accommodations are not retroactive (i.e. before they are approved by Accessibility Services). This means, students will not be able to re-do assignments or re-take exams they originally took before they received approved accommodations.